The Jake Files

April 28, 2006

Humorous Debate Reaction

I got  good kick out of this comment about my analysis of the debate:

Good coverage of Q&A and comments.

Donovan comes out of it looking pretty good.

Jackson somewhat bland and canned.

Weninger somewhere in between.

(Also, Jake demonstrates that perhaps he is more prepared to run for elected office than Weninger by offering a polished statement on the candidate's behalf.)

Like I said in George's comments, I, like many people, am more eloquent with the benefit of a keyboard and some time to think my comments through than I am in person.  The fact that candidates put themselves out there for criticism while they think on their feet is admirable, and I certainly couldn't do as well in that setting.

Local News Roundup

Filed under: Arizona,Chandler,General — Amazing Jake @ 2:11 pm

So, I've been a little busy the last few days with jobsearch activities, which is why it took so long to get through the debate analysis.  Had a slight setback yesterday when I was declined for the position I had the most interest in, but have gotten good feedback on my #2 position.

Since I've been busy with other things, I haven't gotten to the local news.  Geo has a good roundup here, here, here, and here.  Enjoy! 

Chandler Police Weigh in on Mark Pentz

Filed under: Arizona,Chandler,City Council,Mark Pentz,Politics — Amazing Jake @ 10:12 am

I'm catching up on the rest of Wednesday's debate so I can finish yesterday's post on it, but had to stop and point your attention to a comment posted by reader Paul Babeu, police officer and President of the Chandler Law Enforcement Association (CLEA).  The comment related to the Mark Pentz firing and provides background information from the perspective of the CLEA.  The comment was posted on an old topic and can be found here.  Excerpt:

 CLEA President and Chandler Police Officer Paul Babeu came before your body to express his distrust in Mark Pentz and to publicly report Mr. Pentz’s threat made on February 22, 2006 during a meeting in his office. Mr. Pentz threatened Officer Babeu, while acting in his capacity as President of CLEA, to deny a proposed salary increase for Police Officers. Mr. Pentz said while pointing to the $3.5 million figure in the budget, “we do not have to give this to you, I can simply say No, so be careful what you say publicly and how you refer to me.”

So, I don't have an opinion as to the truth of what happened in a closed door meeting between two individuals.  According to the same comment (which was the text of a letter sent to the Mayor and City Council), Mr. Pentz reported a difference of opinion as to the tone or intention of his comments.

I do find one thing interesting though.  Becky Jackson has declined to state a position on whether she would vote to rehire Mark Pentz.  Becky Jackson's husband is a police officer (in Phoenix).  The officers' association is upset about a threat (real or perceived) to withhold a pay raise.  You connect the dots.

Meanwhile, it's back to the replay of the debate.  Tune in later for my completed analysis.

April 27, 2006

Analysis of City Council Debate

I'm watching last night's debate and will be documenting my thoughts as I watch it (also known as liveblogging, although I don't think watching a taped replay qualifies as "live"), then followup with analysis at the end.  NOTE:  This is a VERY long post, so you might want to get a snack.  Go ahead, I'll wait. (more…)

Wednesday’s City Council Debate

I haven't watched the entire debate yet, but have some preliminary thoughts based on the snippets I did see.  I watched probably about 20 minutes before I went to bed, but will watch the whole thing today and put up a longer post.

Trinity Donovan – I came away more impressed than I was previously.  Nothing else specific until I view the whole debate.

Jeff Weninger – Appeared nervous, but also spoke for the most part without notes.

Becky Jackson – I didn't see her speak to one issue without reading from a prepared statement.  Ugh.

More to come later folks.  I'm going to watch and post my own thoughts before I look at what the Chandler Connection and others post.  Stay tuned.

April 26, 2006

City Council Debate Tonight

Don't forget about the City Council election debate tonight between Jeff Weninger, Trinity Donovan, and Becky Jackson:

The forum will take place 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 26 at the Downtown Chandler Library, 22 S. Delaware St., in the City Council Chambers, second floor. “As we've seen in recent weeks, the city's leadership has a profound impact on all of us. We hope this forum will help residents when casting that important vote in May,” said Brian Johnson, editor of the Connection. (more…)

City Budget Submitted for 2006-07


Chandler is poised to add 117 employees, build new parks and widen roads without any increases in taxes or fees, according to a preliminary budget released Tuesday. (snip)

In keeping with Chandler's traditionally frugal financial policies, the budget includes a $101 million "rainy day fund" and a policy not to spend growth-related revenues for ongoing expenses. (snip)

Some of biggest proposed spending increases are for public works and public safety. Roads, water and sewer systems are among the beneficiaries of the $167 million public-works budget, up 35 percent from last year. The $109 million public-safety budget is 30 percent higher than last year's.

Wednesday’s Child Segment on Channel 12

Filed under: Adoption,Arizona,Family,Fatherhood,General — Amazing Jake @ 8:45 am has this story today:

 In February, The Republic's Wednesday's Child column featured Francisco, an ever-smiling, caring teenager who had no problem explaining what makes him happy.

Sadly, he still awaits a loving adoptive family that can give him the permanence and support he needs in his teenage years and beyond. (snip)

Be sure to watch Francisco's Wednesday's Child segment on Channel 12 at 5 and 11 a.m. today.

The Amazing Mrs. Jake and I adopted our first child 6 years ago, and our daughter has changed our lives in every way.  When we first discussed adoption, I was hesitant because I had those doubts that most people probably do:  Can I love an adopted child the same as one born to us?

The answer is, of course, YES.  Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Jake was pregnant, and we had another daughter the following year.  I can say unreservedly there is NO DIFFERENCE.  We love both our children equally.  They have very different personalities, but they BOTH have aspects of my wife's and my personalities.   

If you've ever thought about adoption, or even if you haven't, tune in to Channel 12 today.  This boy needs a home and a family.

April 25, 2006

Analysis of Chandler City Code on Active Duty Military Service

Geo did some research on the apparent inconsistency when Councilmember Sepulveda continued to receive his City salary while rank-and-file City employees who are called to active duty do not get salary continuation. 

George came to the following conclusion (read the whole analysis) after perusing Chandler city code: (more…)

Fundamentals of Recall Elections 101

I was musing recently about what the implications of the pending recall would be, namely, how would someone else be seated on the council in the event that the recall was successful.

Geo did some research and came up with the following (long post, but read it all): (more…)

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