The Jake Files

April 27, 2006

Analysis of City Council Debate

I'm watching last night's debate and will be documenting my thoughts as I watch it (also known as liveblogging, although I don't think watching a taped replay qualifies as "live"), then followup with analysis at the end.  NOTE:  This is a VERY long post, so you might want to get a snack.  Go ahead, I'll wait. (more…)

April 26, 2006

City Council Debate Tonight

Don't forget about the City Council election debate tonight between Jeff Weninger, Trinity Donovan, and Becky Jackson:

The forum will take place 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 26 at the Downtown Chandler Library, 22 S. Delaware St., in the City Council Chambers, second floor. “As we've seen in recent weeks, the city's leadership has a profound impact on all of us. We hope this forum will help residents when casting that important vote in May,” said Brian Johnson, editor of the Connection. (more…)

April 25, 2006

Covance Protesters in Downtown Chandler

Filed under: Arizona,Chandler,Covance,Economy & Business — Amazing Jake @ 9:54 am

From the East Valley Tribune:

Group rallies against Covance in Chandler
By Jennifer Pinner, Tribune
April 24, 2006
Pictures of monkeys in viselike mechanisms and “Say NO to Covance” signs lined downtown Chandler on Sunday afternoon as about 100 animal rights activists protested the drug-testing company setting up shop in the city.
Covance plans to build a 400,000-square-foot facility on Price Road between Queen Creek and Germann roads, where it would test drugs on animals such as mice, hamsters, primates and dogs. The company bought the land last summer for $8 million.

I haven't really given too much thought to this whole thing, but as a consumer, I am grateful we live in a society where drugs are available for conditions from asthma and allergies to cancer.  Those drugs wouldn't be available without testing, both animal and otherwise.  Given the choice between animal testing and not having medicine, I choose medicine.  I think most other people feel the same, which is why these protests will go nowhere.

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